Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Branches by Michael K

They moved in suddenly one day. I don't know where from or why but they were there one morning, happily moving into the branches down the way, totally oblivious to all who were watching and checking them out.
They seemed happy with their choice of new home and rightly so too, for where they had come from, over the metal web it was very unsafe for the children, let alone the adults who were always at danger while looking for food for the family.
The children looked so happy jumping around outside their home while their mother and father placed everything just where it should be.
Mother, father, can we go play, said the children. Ok! came the reply, but do be very careful and stay close to the house, where we can keep an eye on you.
Ok! they both shouted and with that they both ran off to explore.
The children look so happy father said the mother, looking lovingly at the children as they ran around their new field in excitement. They do don't they mother, came the reply, I think we have made an excellent  choice of finding a new home for us and the children and I think we might be very happy here, he said, sweetly kissing his wife tenderly on the forehead.
It wasn't always like this! Father had spent a long time searching for a new land, somewhere safe for the children to grow without the constant fear that was always present where they once lived. Everytime some one left the house, it was always frort with danger from everywhere. So  when father had found the new land, it was wonderful for all. The new land was nothing like the old land and it was hidden away behind a large metal web, that appeared to stretch for miles in both directions and was so high they were all sure that clouds must sometimes get caught in it. Why it was there, no one knew, was it there to catch clouds? and if so, what for?
Father was so excited the day he had found the new land he couldn't wait to tell every one and they all jumped around with glee at what father was describing to them all. Where is it father? can we go see now?
Slow down! slow down! came the reply! It is on the other side of the metal web that sits at the far side of the toxic meadow and yes! I can show you all now but, better still we can all move in right now, but you all will have to be very quiet while we venture through the toxic meadow to get to the metal web,  said the father.
They all packed their belongings very quickly and would leave the big things for another time as the branches had all they needed. With that they all snuck quietly through the toxic meadow hoping that they didn't come across the big grass eater that would make such a loud noise at it chewed the grass off at the base and left it in rows as it went or the giant feathered creatures that would try and catch them if they were spotted. They made it to the metal web without making a sound and found the small hole their father had made under the web, so that they would be able to get under it.
Oh my! came a loud cry from Stamp as he scurried under the web and came out the other side to a sight that was beautiful and full of astonishment all at once. Oh! do hurry so I can see, said Velvet their daughter! I want to see too and as Velvet came up straight out of the hole, she could not believe her eyes!
It's wonder full, she said. Oh mother, Oh father, this is the more beautiful place I have ever seen. With that, Velvet and Stamp both stared all around the new land not knowing whether to run around r stay where they were.
As their mother came up through the hold, she clutched them both to her as she exhaled in amazement at the sight that befell her too. OH! my! she said, it's too beautiful for words. I've never seen any place as beautiful as this. And beautiful it was!
It was nothing like they had ever seen and greener that they could ever have imagined, for before them sat a land that was  a dream come true.
They had come through the hole quite near the branches and they all stood under a giant tree that shaded both them and the branches as they looked around in astonishment.
Here is our new home, said the father, snapping them all back into reality.
Oh! it does look lovely said the mother and with that both mother and father ushered the children over to see their new home. The children ran into the branched yelling who was going to have which room.This is my room, said Stamp as he looked out the window, through a thicket of ginger and up into the new land.
Velvet found her room and they asked their parents if they could explore.

Don't go too far! their mother said as they both ran to see what they could see. Isn't it beautiful Stamp!? said Velvet looking up into the new land that sat before them. I think I will like living here she said. So do I replied Stamp!
It was too beautiful for them to imagine and Stamp noticed that the were large structures further up in the land. What do you think that might be Velvet? asked Stamp. I don't know Stamp. Maybe others live here too. Oh! how exciting Stamp, if we have lovely neighbours to play with. Wouldn't that be grand!?

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