Saturday, 1 May 2010

Where has the time gone!?

It's already Friday and where has the time gone? Seems the last couple of days has been rather busy with friends dropping in. Thursday was good day for getting things happening and had some work mates come around after work to brainstorm some issues concerning work and I got a little distracted after they left by chatting with friends on facebook and having way too much to drink. Trying to have a quiet day today has not been going to well at all. I have been trying to die peacefully on the lounge while watching tele and don't you  know! The phone rings. My friend is coming back and will be here some time this morning. Great! love to see you again but all I wanted to do was die LOL! OK! so he calls, all good! I've got sometime up my sleave to try and get a nap in before he gets here. BANG! The phone rings again! What do I do? I answer it don't I! It my work mate that I had a falling out with late last year and we haven't spoken really since. NOOOOOOOO! Not today! We get chatting and chatting and she apologizes and we are still chatting like something near an hour! GOD! All I wanted to do was enjoy my hung over sufferance quietly and what does she say!???? I'll come around, I'll be there in ten minutes! Just shoot me now........................................................................
She comes over and GREAT! she has alcohol and appears to here for awhile. Ok! so it was good that we sorted somethings out and mended bridges but why does it have to happen today when my eyes are hanging out my head.
Other friend turns up roughly the same time as Craig and every one is here. I have absolutely no chance of escape, not now and it does't look like any one is in a hurry to leave.
All well and good, she finally leaves and theres no food in the house.
Thank god Craig suggested takeaway so he and charlie can be gone for a short while and I can pretend I am having a power nap lol!
So anyway, they both blow themselves out on a billy, ok I have a puff and Craig has bought home the Avatar DVD and decides to put it on at nearly 9.30pm.
Cool! if you put it on that late, I certainly aint gonna worry about falling asleep, which I promptly did when the light went out. I think I woke up around three quarters through and excused myself and HEAVEN!!!! Died in bed. Not that it mattered too much because I was awake for half the bloody night anyways.
Enjoy the pics.
We had a blow out with the kitchen light so had to cook by candlelight. Very nice!
Oh!@ and the other ones are just because they are hot.

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