Sunday, 23 May 2010

It's too quiet around here, abit like the calm before the storm and I don't feel right!
I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach and I just can't work it out, whether it's good or bad. Would seem that usually these feelings of intuition don't  bode for much good. Ha! maybe I will get the sack from work! I doubt it though, I'd have to have done something pretty bad before that happens, Maybe I will walk out? I certainly feel like doing it so often these days.
Who knows!?
I have been enjoying doing blokey things today and working with Craig has been nice! He is feeling out of sorts himself and that may be the reason we are both very quiet.
I have now made a lid for my fish tank, to hide the lights, so that it looks a bit more appealing on the eye. We walked into town yesterday to buy some more fish for the tank but, wouldn't you know! they had sold out of the ones we wanted, so we ended up buying some weed, For the tank and NOT the other kind, thank you very much! LOL!
We are both not feeling terribly well and yesterday I could have ripped some ones head off, thanks to my sinuses doing horrible things, thank god! today they are slightly better and I can't function a bit better. I don't like being like that at all and it's like when I have low sugar levels, I am the biggest prick I know and no matter how much you try to be nice, it just aint gonna happen. Why is it? I would love to know why this happens because, Thank god!, there is some one at work that has exactly the same thing. I used to think it was just me.
Enough of the illnesses and crap!
Made my lid and im very happy thank you! I am sitting here enjoying the intoxicating fumes of wood stain as we speak and feeling a glorious flush come apon me, LOL!

Been a busy man netting the pond as well today, so as the autumn leaves don't fall into the pond and mank it up. I learnt my leson last year. The pond turned into a stagnant cesspool and no very pleasant to try and clean out, I'd have to say.
We missed out on going to a birthday party last night because of the fact that we are both not feeling the best but hay! there is always next year. I think I went to bed reasonably early?? Can't really remember due to the fact I fell asleep once again on the lounge while watching a dvd. This medication seems to  knock me out early these days.

On a different track! Have you ever spent like, ages on Google Earth? I can play on there for ever some days, just looking around here and there. Walking the streets of Hollywood or going to see the pyramids in Egypt. I flew over a friends place in Arkansas this morning. It's always fun doing a fly over of where your friends live. I've been to Paris and Versailes. Love to go there one day. Sometimes I think I must have come froms ome sort of royalty or something like that because of my taste in things.
I'm digressing again!
My friend in Arkansas has given me permission to post a very HOT pic of him in his undies so here it is!
Could just snuggle in there for awhile!.........

Ummmm!? where was I? Oh! thats right! Dinner! Hahahaha! It's not where I was but now I'm feeling like it.
I have prepared some lamb rissoles with heaps of parsley and mint and garlic (gonna smell nice tomorrow at work) Rather Lebanese I'd say! Very much lokking forward to eating it and I think it just might be time to head off and see about cookiing some up. Shall be having them with tabouli. Miight head over to the neiubours before dinner and see how they are doing, it's been a few days since we got together. Pic of the lamb mince, sorry it's raw but I haven't cooked it yet have I!?
See ya XXXX

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