Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Weekend road trip 2.03.18

                            Weekend road trip 2.03.18

Hi who ever is reading this, it's that time again and my time to get away for some R&R after a hectic couple of weeks. This trip was rather long once I got home and mapped it all out and I travelled roughly 1013kms this trip. Lordy! I thought my trip up into Queensland was a long one. I'd have to say I had an absolute hoot this trip. I just left all my stresses behind and had no particular  plan or time to do my trip part from checking out some routes on maps and printing them out before I left. I made the mistake once before of thinking my GPS would be reliable but nooooo. I had it all set with co ordinates for one place I was head and for some reason it just decided to take me the wrong way that would get me there hours later. So I printed out my destinations and off I set for a great weekend of exploring. You can see the route I took on the pic and I found some great places. So, lets go.

Well, what a great start not even half hour into my trip and Woohoo! I found this abandoned house. Right in the middle of a timber mill. I think it may have been built originally for the mill manager. Not a bad little explore. It felt strangely robust for some reason. A strong male presence if you could call it that. I almost felt I needed to do something blokey while I was in there, LOL!

Inside the living space inside the house. I think the original kitchen was in the room through the door because it had a cement floor and the kitchen in the pic didn't make sense where it was.Like I said, the house had a strong male feel to it.

I found this side road not too far away from Tenterfield that I thought I'd check out and the good thing was that it took me into Tenterfield from a different direction.Not much sun this trip as you can see but that was a good thing.

Mamma cow with I think?, her three babies sitting beside the road.

So, I'm driving towards Tenterfield on the dirt road and thinking I was going to find a cemetery once I got into town from what I thought I'd seen on google maps but my lord! I never thought that I'd find this amazing classic car grave yard with so many amazing cars just sitting rusting away on roughly 4 acres. I think the car in the fore ground is an old jag? I no nothing about cars though.

Not sure what this was originally mean for but it looks like an old gypsy caravan.

Inside the gypsy caravan, well, that's what I'm calling it because it was once set up to be lived in. The old wood stove would have been cool if it still had it's door. It's still cool but I mean to save it to use .

Check out this cute little convertible getting over run by black berry. I was happy it was drizzling a little because I only had my thongs on and I'm sure I was in the heart of snake country.
Beautiful old (ford?) ute that was once used for Goodyear tyres in Glen Innes.

Close up of the side of the ute. Just so cool seeing this stuff. It felt like I should be seeing this in America. It would be so awesome if some one resorted it back to it's former glory.

No idea what make this is but looks pretty mean.

My very first car. An old EH Holden. So much money just rusting away for all the car restorers out there.

It's a shame I can't show the extent of the amount of these beautiful old cars that just seemed to go on for miles.

Almost done with the car pics but these really are amazing to see and in such good condition considering they been sitting out there all these years. Check this one out. How cool would it be if someone saved it. Looks like a Cadillac but I don't know. I explored for quite awhile because it just went on and on and on and I could stayed for a lot longer there was so much to look at but because I was so involved with checking everything out, I forgot to film it all. It wasn't until I was back on the road that I thought about it. Silly bugga! Oh well, I can go back some time to take a video because I'm sure there would be a lot of people very interested in seeing all these wonderful cars. Ok, done with the cars now, I got a heap more photos but lets not bore people to death with rusty old cars.

Back on the road heading south of Tenterfield. Bluff rock looking rather impressive. After a little research I realised you can get up to the top of the rock from behind it. I might have to go check it out next time I'm out that way.

I turned off at Sandy Flat and was rewarded with this abandoned house not too far down the track in the middle of a cow paddock. I thought about filming it but there was so much rubbish inside that I decided not too. If it had have been good hoarder stuff I definitely would have but it was just farm junk like rolls of wire and bags of fertiliser and stuff like that and it wasn't easy trying to get around in there. 

Side view of the house. I think he might have decided that the house was much cheaper than buying a new shed.It looked like some one had completely ripped the guts out of the inside of all it's original features and replaced it all with sheets of fibro.

The trip down the side road at Sandy Flat was pretty uneventful. Just lots of dirt road and cows and dirt road and more cows and no one around anywhere. I don't think I passed anyone at all while I was out that way. I was getting close to getting back to the highway and thought that I wasn't going to find anything but then I found this little shack. Out with the camera and lets go have a look.

The old place has seen better days and I don't think it will be too long before it falls down. I think the only thing saving it from collapsing is the tree to the right that the house is leaning against. Lots of rabbits which surprised me. Not good for the cattle roaming around to fall into a burrow and break a leg. Lots of kangaroos too hopping around.

I couldn't get an idea of the age of the place because of the fibro cladding but maybe it was built in the 50's maybe?? There was some cool stuff inside like old tin boxes and bits and pieces up on the shelf but it was way to unsafe to try and go inside and I didn't want to kick up too much of the fibre dust that was on the floor.

I got a couple more shots before I left and I'm happy how this one came out.

Last one before I left. There was a rabbit right beside the shack but took off as soon as I try to take the picture. I'm sure that next time I decide to visit this place it will be fallen down.

I got back onto the highway and headed towards Deepwater expecting to turn off just before I got to town and head off road once again to try and get to a little place that might have a couple of abandoned places for me to check out.
That's when a spanner screwed things up and my plans went out the window. This part of the trip was going to take a good good few hours for me and I'd planned around this but as soon as I turned off what do I see but a sign saying "road closed at Deepwater river" No through road.................. YOUR JOKING ME!!! Anyway, it did say to try a detour around another way so ok, I'll try that way. Hopefully I can still get out there. I headed off to try the detour that I was told to try and when I got there what do I see but water over the road, dirt road mind. Oh, come on. Ok, out I get and off I go into the water to check it's depth hoping I could drive through but nooooo. It was way to high for my car and best not tempt fate. there was a little side shoot beside the road that cut up and over and had I have had a 4wd (a big one) I could have gone that way. I swore a bit and grumbled and thought about doing some panning at the creek but decided  to go down the first part of the road and see what I would find anyway. It wasn't very eventful and I got to the end. It appears the bridge was out (gone) so I had a look around and not much to see so headed back towards town.

Old, I'm not too sure if it was abandoned station master house next to the station. It looks abandoned so I took a pic of it. I would have investigated more but there was a nosey old guy sitting on his veranda watching me and I didn't want him carrying on at me so I kept going. Now what do I do now that this big part of my day was gone? Hmmmm???? Who knows, I might find something to fill in the time.

So, I'm driving out of town wondering what to do and I think I may have been a km out of town when I see the same road name of the road that was cut off by water that I tested to see if I could get across. What??? Why has this road got the same name? I had to turn around and see what was going on. I stopped at the turn off and luckily I had signal which was a bit hit and miss out in the area. I checked mapped and it was a little side route off the road I wanted to go on in the first place. YAY!!!!!!!!... Thank you so much I says to whoever it was I was saying thank you too and down the road I went. It it the same route I would have take if the bridge wasn't out but I just came in the other way if that makes sense? The clouds were starting to really close in and it was starting to sprinkle a little. Not so much fun being on a road road in the rain so I was dubious but carried on anyway.

I'd driven down the road a couple of K's when what do I see? Could it be? Was it really? It looks like it is. I'll have to check it out on my way back out. I think it is. I could just feel it in me waters. I keep driving not too much of interest really but I was happy to see that house.

I drove for quite awhile hoping to get to that little hidden valley I'd had my eye on and the weather was now setting in but I was determined. I finally got to the part of the road where the bridge was out because it was like a loop in the road so I knew it wasn't too long before I'd get to where I wanted to get. Nup! it wasn't going to happen. It started raining a bit heavier and the road was getting abit soft and I wasn't too sure about going much further to get bogged in the middle of no where in the pouring rain. Well, It was decided for me because there was a gate across the road and I couldn't be jibbed getting out in the rain to open it so I turned around and headed back. I thought what was the point if I'd found some thing to explore when it was pouring rain anyway and I could do it properly so I have it bookmarked for another time and I felt it was the powers that be that it wasn't meant to happen this trip and there was that house I'd already spotted when I first came in. The rain and light was strange while I was out there and quite atmospheric so I took a pic of it. Interesting shot. Had to take it through the windscreen because of the rain.

OMG! OMG! I KNEW IT! Abandoned old farmhouse and huge big shed. My intuition never fails me.

How cool was this find!? and I quickly got my camera out to start filming but what would you know? A car from no where drives past as soon as I start filming. Murphy's law eh!? I swear I saw no one on that road at all when I was on it and tar dar they drive past as soon as Im in there and Im thinking that they were going to turn around and say something to me because I was stuck out like a sore thumb in the yard.Unfortunately I couldn't get inside but there was enough windows to look into. The inside was a bit boring and featureless but it was good I could film anyway.

The house was an ok explore but it was another case of the shed being far more interesting. I know nothing about sheep or cattle so have no idea what this shed was for. It looked like it was to corral sheep? I have no idea at all. 

Was it a shearing shed? Dunno? It didn't make sense that there were holding pens underneath. It was good to explore though. There was still some wierd electric box thing on the wall that was ticking so I didn't go inside incase it was an alarm. the place was abandoned though because the grass was long outside and no sign of any one working there in quite a while.

Check out the old dunny beside the shed. Don't see that much these days and to think they were around a bit when I was a kid.

House explore done and sorta almost back on track I got back on the road following the Deepwater River most of the way out. I stopped to get a pretty picture because there was a break in the weather. I'm glad I did stop because I like this photo.

Also good because the weather closed in again once I got back onto the highway. I'd have to say Glen Innes is really gloomy when it's cloudy. It was getting reasonably late so I was happy to get into town because I wasn't too sure what I was going to be doing for the night? Whether it was setting my tent up but that was starting to get pushed to the back burner because of the weather or if I would stop in a rest area just out of town and sleep in my car because I made provisions for it just in case and heaps of room in the back with the seat down or do I just rent a room for the night and not bother and just enjoy not having to do anything? DECIDED! rent a room. Now what do I do for dinner? go to the pub and counter meal? Nah, didn't want to drink this weekend. I was being good I was or do I go to KFC and not care about being good? Or do I go to supermarket and buy something there. KFC! off I go and Noooooooooooooooooooo! you're joking. It's closed for reno's Ahhhhhhh!... Plan B supermarket, lovely. Mmmm, BBQ chook sounds good to me. So I get all my items I need for the night at the supermarket and I decide to stop in a park to have my chicken with some fresh bread. Yum!.............I gets to the park and I'm getting hungry now because all I've eaten all day is some nectarines and a couple of lollies. NOOOOOOOOOOO! Come on!!!!!!!!..................Ugh! I bought a piece of roast beef didn't I! Oh For fuck sake! It went in the bin because I don't eat beef. Fuck sake, mmmm, yummy dry bread rolls for dinner. I was buggered if I was going to try get anything else because I was over it.I'm done for the day. See you in the morning.

Day 2

Crikey the motel manager can talk to leg off a dog!!! Lovely lady but can she talk. I tried to get out of reception so many times and she'd start up again about something. I know all about her husbands recent surgery and all it's complications. I had a reasonable night's sleep but was up with the birds literally! The place was swarming with Kurrawongs and if anyone has heard Kurrawongs going off you'd know what I'm talking about and the police were leaving somewhere around 5.30am as well and they were being very jolly outside my door. They were staying in the motel after escorting some large windmill parts up the highway apparently. So the lady at reception told me, ha! Anyway, what to do today? Should I go fossicking? I wasn't far from sapphire country or should I go panning for some gold? I just realised that I'd completely forgotten about my metal detector and could have gone detecting yesterday as well. I had another coffee and tried to stay in bed for awhile and just relax but, Nope, not gonna happen. I decided to stay on route and once I got sorted I was back on the road.

My route wasn't far out of town and the weather was still iffy but better than being too hot I guess. I enjoyed not seeing anyone on the road and just took my time driving checking things out.

So many nice places to check out if you take the time and it's been awhile since I used my proper camera so I was enjoying the distraction. This was at a causeway that I stopped on to take the photo. So good being able to stop where ever I wanted without anyone turning up.

Not far down the road from the last shot. I haven't done much to this photo at all and it was all about the lighting at the time I took it. The colours have not been changed. Very happy with this shot.

I'm happy with this photo as well. This wasn't too far from the previous one. Such a diverse country we live in. Not a bad shot considering this was about 500 mtrs from the road where I was taking the photo.

Now I know I was in granite country. This photo doesn't really give you an idea of the imposing size of this rock but I would have been able to stand under the over hang easily with heaps of room. The fence posts might give you an idea considering they are roughly waist high. I was getting close to a place called Pinkette by this time.

Shame this photo didn't turn out as good as I'd hoped but the blue contrast of the leaves against the black trunk with the paper daisies in the fore ground was interesting and almost looked faux.

I'd been driving for awhile and just enjoying the day but not having much luck at finding any explores I could actually get to because it seems that people just built a new house beside their old place which isn't good for me to explore when people are right beside the old place. Poop! So It was getting to be around midday and I find another one but the farm was right next door and a big sign "Unleashed dogs patrol these premises" ARHHHHH! This one was huge and so frustrating I could get in to explore it. It was about 200mtrs from the road so I could just run for it LOL. 

Just as I was thinking that I wasn't really going to find any good explores on this section of my road trip, I pulled into a small town called Pinkette and I was rather intrigued by an old shearing shed just before the turn off until I saw this cute little church that had abandoned written all over it. I was going to keep going but something was telling me to stop and check it out and I'm glad I did because just take a look at what I found inside.

I was surprised to find the door wasn't locked and in fact had no lock at all when I tested the door. I was gob smacked to find the inside still completely decked out in all it's churchy finery. Was it abandoned or wasn't it? I really wasn't too sure standing at the door and almost felt like I shouldn't go in but the chance to get some photos was far too great to pass up. The more I check it out the more I could tell it was no longer in use because the seats were dusty and the elements were starting to take it's toll. It looked like there was water damage on the floor, some of which you can see in this photo. The more I ventured into the church the more obvious it was that it was abandoned and there was a lot of more poo on furniture and everything just looked stale and un used. How nice to find such an intact piece of history that hasn't been stripped of it's sole.

This was hanging on the wall just inside the church.

Take a look at the organ. Oh my word! It is beautiful and in such good condition. I'm really surprised that everything is still there and no one has put a lock on the door. Maybe it's a good thing that this is out the back of no where and is safe from opportunists stripping it. I hung around for awhile taking heaps of photos and then it was time to go.

No sooner had I been back in the car and not even 200mtrs up the road I spotted this. I wasn't too sure what I was looking at at first and had to reverse back to have a better look. It was then that I was the museum sign and thought that some one was trying to do something with their spare time that lived there because I saw a farmer behind it working on something . Anyway! I didn't think much of it at first but decided to have a look at what they'd done because I wasn't really doing anything else and it looked cute for photo opps. 

I took my photos of the outside and was thinking, yeah! it's cute and was focused on the framer working outside his shed behind where I was taking pics thinking he was going to come over and start quizzing me when I saw a sign saying "door open come in" on the door so after a bit of a struggle trying to open the door because it had become jammed on the floor this is what I was welcomed with. To say I was blown away was an under statement. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I started snapping pics feverishly thinking I was going to get chucked out by the farmer so was trying to snap as much as I could while taking it all in. So much faded old home made information boards all over the walls to read and this was truly amazing to find. I think from what I'd read that a guy called Mikey had resorted the post office back in the 60's? and the actively seemed to have stopped in 1993 possibly when he died and since then the post office has slipped into decline unfortunately. I filmed it. Backwater post office museum.

It was a little confusing as to when it did actually become abandoned because most of the items in the pigeon holes were dated at 1993 but the were also other things dated later so I'm not sure. I was getting overloaded on what to focus on. Beautiful and awesome experience to be able to witness this place.

How cool is this original phone that was used in the post office. A pair of retro Oroton sunglasses perched on top that some one must have left behind while visiting in the past.

One of the write ups on the wall about Mikey restoring the old post office. Shame I am not closer because I would be there re restoring the place to continue the legacy so it doesn't just fall down like most other pieces of our history. The deterioration is quite obvious and something needs to be done for it's too late.

Well, as much as I would have loved to stay and camp in the church grounds down the road from the post office I had to get back on the road. I filmed both the post office and the church so will upload to youtube soon. I'll be back for sure.

Not much in the way of explores heading towards Guyra just enjoyed the vast beauty of the countryside. The sun was nice to see while I was in that part of the country after so much cloud.

Hmmmm! I spoke too soon. Here I am in gorgeous Guyra. Always such a lovely town when ever I drive through. It always seems to be cloudy and gloomy when I pass through. Not to mention grey, everything is grey and this the main street. Don't get me started on the fact the only petrol station was closed on a Saturday!!!!! I had to travel a few kms back up the highway to find petrol before heading back down and had to deal with most of the pumps being out of service. After filling up with petrol I headed west out of town and did a wide loop back down into Armidale.

Not much to see this section of my drive just this bit of colour and sun trying to break through the clouds caught my eye plus the magpie in the foreground I found interesting. It was a quick shot so it was rushed because the light was gone as soon as it appeared. Lots of sheep.

The drive was towards Armidale was a bit of a disappointment really. Most of the road was sealed which is usually a sign that I won't find anything good to explore. I found this abandoned house about 100mtrs off the road but once again it was right beside an inhabited house, GRRRRR! This one looked like it would have been a good explore too. I thought about approaching the owner to ask if I could look around but decided it was all too hard and not worth the owner knocking me back so back on the road again.

Now! What was I saying about not worth the hassle of the wrath of the owner? Good grief!
I found this place off the road a bit hidden behind some trees and once again it was right near another house but I decided to turn around and go have a look because I wasn't having much luck. I pulled up at the gate and saw a sign saying that anyone wanting to come on the property should see the owner first for permission. Hmmm!, ok, it can't be that bad if they have put this sign up surely!? They would have to be some what approachable otherwise they wouldn't put the sign up and just replace it with a "NO trespassing" Sign......... Um, well after driving along a n eroded track (that's all I could call it) driveway to the house which I really thought might be abandoned as well because of the state of the driveway because most farmers keep their driveways in good condition, I pulled up at the house and saw a lady looking at me through her window. I waved she didn't Oh! Oh!... She came out and Good lord! you'd have thought that I was major criminal the way she was interrogating me all because I asked to take a couple of photos of the old place. I got the riot act about everyone one that had come onto the property uninvited to go fishing. Well, I'm not her to fish, I just thought I'd ask it I could take some photos. What for? Um? because I like taking photos and I thought I'd ask if I could take some. Anyway, this lasted for what seemed like ages probably half hour. Bloody hell, in the end I just said that it was ok and I'll just go about my business. It was only then she said it was ok after taking my name and number............. I did say it usually isn't worth the owners wrath didn't I!? LOL!

I checked out the old stables first that was next to the house and was wired off so that people wouldn't go inside. Fair enough because it didn't look safe at all for most of it. this was just about the only erect bit of the structure that warranted a photo. Nice to see the old feeding bin still in place.

The old dunny was interesting to see was made from timber in relation to the house which was made from brick.

close up of the toilet. I was surprised to find the long drop hole to be so large and the floor was built over it but has now collapsed. There's generations of poo down that hole..............

I felt a bit restricted while looking around this house because I wasn't too sure if the owner would come running down the hill screaming at me for doing something wrong. I would have liked to film this place but didn't want to risk it as I was given a list as long as my arm of do's and don'ts. This photo would have to be the best one I think I got from the house.

After I took the photo of the window I quickly hoisted myself up the wall so I could see inside the window and took a quick snap of what was inside. I was working a bit blind because I was hanging off the window sill with one hand while trying to aim my camera in the window . Considering I couldn't really see what I was doing this shot didn't turn out too bad.Oh! Did I mention already that I wasn't allowed inside or take shots that would recognise the house or show anyone where the house was? The house in in the middle of no where and hidden behind trees and a coupe hundred metres from the road, crikey!

This hole in the side of the house was on the other side of the window shot and with all the rubbish that was strewn on the floor I doubt very much I would have been able to navigate inside very safely anyway. Looked to be some interesting pieces in there though.  

just a pretty shot of the window beside the hole in the wall. Well, that is the end of this explore and I left a bit disappointed that I felt I couldn't look around and film properly but I'm happy I got some photos of it any way.Off I go again and now my target was Armidale to settle for the night because there was another huge storm starting to build up in the west and I needed to find where I was staying the night. I didn't want to entertain the idea of setting up the tent because of the idea of packing a wet tent in the rain in the morning.

I was somewhere near Armidale I think when I spotted this place on a road I turned down to check out. I thought I was in luck for an explore because it was right on the road and I was at the fence while taking this photo but once again I was out of luck because even though it was sitting on it's own in the middle of ploughed fields and hidden behind an over grown hedge out front, there just happened to be a framer across the road through the field and up the hill ploughing in his tractor and could probably see me very clearly from his vantage point so any attempt by me to jump the fence could have seen the farmer come down the hill and start threatening me with a shotgun. Slight exaggeration about the gun but I didn't want to risk him coming and hassling me and it just seemed like right place at the wrong time unfortunately. I like this shot I took though so that will have to do till I get down there again. Shame it wasn't a Sunday because people aren't around so much on a Sunday. 

View of the front of the house through the hedge row. Sooooooo close and yet sooooooooo far.

As with so many places up here in northern nsw of Australia, so many rail lines have been closed down and Armidale is no different. This is the rail line just as I was entering Armidale now abandoned but takes a nice picture though.

Oh, look what I found while stopped on the side of the road on the outskirts of town while looking for a place to stay for the night. People don't realise that so much of the northern has absolutely no reception for my phone which can be a bit frustrating so I'm now trying to find somewhere beside the road. I was happy for the distraction of climbing up the rail line and across the rail bridge to get this shot. It could have been an interesting explore to film if I could find a way in through the high fence but I couldn't so off I go to check into my motel which I'm happy to say was right in the centre of town.

I'd never actually stayed in Armidale before or for the matter even looked around Armidale. I've always bypassed it on my travels so it was interesting trying to get around. There was so many people around everywhere which seemed odd to me for a Saturday afternoon and everything seemed busy and I wasn't sure why. I checked in and then went looking around. Who knew Armidale had so many churches in one city block. It seemed like the was a huge church on every street facing a park in the middle of town. This is just one of them I snapped on my phone while out trying to find something to eat. People! So many people and fireworks going off everywhere?? It was confusing for me. It was coming to the end of my second day of my trip and it was time to call it a night. Thankfully I found a motel that had descent water pressure in the shower. So many motel showers have showers that just dribble so you have to wash a bit of yourself at a time or the shower nozzle is adjusted so the water comes out in a tinny spray the feels like needles piercing your skin. Good night I'm done for the day.

Day3 of my trip and I was up early and ready to go. I'd planned to drive the waterfall way towards Dorrigo and up the old Armidale road up to Nymboida through to Grafton but the rain was looking a bit iffy once again so I decided to drive to Uralla and up to Inverell then back up the New England highway for home. I was hoping to maybe find some abandoned houses along the way but all I found was this place not too far up the Uralla to Inverell rd. Not much to explore so I just took a photo of it and that I'd have to say was pretty much it for any finds.

Just a pic of the wild flowers beside the road while I was trying to fill in the time.

I like this photo i took when I diverted off the main road to see if I could find anything. 

Well! That's it for this road trip. Unfortunately it sorta petered out on the last leg of my trip but I'd have to say that I has a hoot this trip. It was so nice not to have any time constraints or restrictions (apart from that lady at the house) and I just took my time and went with the flow of what felt right for me at the time. I really did think I would be sleeping in my car somewhere beside the road this trip but everything just worked. Those abandoned places I had ear marked for another trip and who knows? Maybe I can get to explore them then. I hope you enjoy coming along with me and enjoy some of the things I got up too. Thank for making it this far if you've read the whole trip. I appreciate it and I hope I made it interesting for you.
I'll see you next trip. Buy till then. Michael

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Michael, I am a dedicated subscriber to your YouTube channel (although I have never posted there), and am glad you provided a link to these posts as well. Someone else mentioned being able to "travel" with you to places I will never get to myself, so I really appreciate these posts, the beautiful pix, and your deprecating sense of humor. BTW I live in New Hampshire, USA.