I'm not too sure whats going on!? Yesterday and today have been great! Is it the full moon happening? I just don't know.......
Yesterday was one of the best days I have had at work in a long time. Seems that nothing went to plan but everything just seemed to work without all the drama and stress that has become a part of the day.
I came home feeling like I didn't have a care in the world, mind you, last night do you think I could get to sleep properly!? NO! I tossed and turned for most of the night, turned head to toe, looked at the clock just abaout every hour and then out of bed at 5.00am. I beeter not be starting that silly nonsense again of not being able to sleep most of the night. Best I see about some pills when I see the doctor on Friday.
Where was I!? Oh! back at work yesterday, I actully felt like I had some power back again and didn't feel like I was stepping on toes. Not too much going on last night, just spent it watching tele and went to bed at 8.30 to read a book. Maybe that's why I didn't sleep too well! who knows?
Today was pretty much the same at work and I can say that I m looking forward to going to work tomorrow. Thats BIG concidering not so long ago I was ready to walk out.
Is it just me or does this guy have a nice arse? enjoy and I maybe bacl later to add more to this post since I am writing this before the night has finished
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
Sometimes you just gotta have a day where you just do nothing and that is exactly what I have done today NOTHING! LOL! Been sitting here in front of the pc for most of the day surfing around looking at nothing in particular and catching up with my facebook friends and posting pics. I had a bit of a pic taking moment today and some of them have turned out rather nice I'd have to say!
My yoguart has turned out alot nicer than I thought it would and I'm looking forward to having some after I have some more lental soup, God! I made enough of it to last days haha! Not much else to talk about today, the chooks are still only giving me around four eggs a day lately. Might have to see about some more but that will have to wait until I know whats going on and where I am.
My yoguart has turned out alot nicer than I thought it would and I'm looking forward to having some after I have some more lental soup, God! I made enough of it to last days haha! Not much else to talk about today, the chooks are still only giving me around four eggs a day lately. Might have to see about some more but that will have to wait until I know whats going on and where I am.
Why do I seem to be angry so much of the time lately? Is it because of the stress that I am experiencing at the moment or is it the meds that the doctor has put me on to help me deal with the stress? I don't know and I'll be glad to get to the doctor next week. I don't enjoy being around me right now so I can only imagine how Craig must feel. It seems just the smallest things will set me off and I hate it. Going to the beach was silent because I was brooding but once we did get there, I lightened up abit, thank god! We walked for awhile along the edge of the dunes looking for sea sponges we had seen while we were camping last christmas.The dunes were full of them then because nasty weather had ripped them off their rocks and washed them up onto the beach but this visit to collect them proved futile as they had all, bar a small bag full, had been buried by the relentless movement of the sand and wind. Shame we missed outon getting them as they would have made nice presents for people, wrapped in celephane with hand made soap and other little trinkets. It was nice to be out anyway and the longer we were walking the nicer we were with each other. Lucy was having a great time, as she always does, running along the beach chasin g seagulls and trying to run after other dogs. As I said earlier, we managed to get only a few sponges before heading back home where we spent the rest of the day relaxing, doing our own thing. Craig played one of his pc games on and off while I spent most of the day making Lental soup with lots of bacon hocks in it, Yum! I spent the rest of the time watching , only god knows what on tele. I am getting closer to my decission of getting rid of cable tv as it is increasingly harder to find something decent to watch. As usual Craig loved the soap and we ate it while watching Cape fear. What a cheesy movie!! I guess I should have watched something about Anzac day (strike me done) but I was bothered. Opps! you get that! I made port wine jelly as well and found some wonderfully decadent , double thick chocolate custard to go with it. Neadless to say that by the time we had finished eating, we were like stuffed hogs LOL! Oh! and I put sliced bananas in the jelly. That reminds me!, I found a home made yoguart maker thingy while shopping for my hocks. Best go and see how it turned out. The pic is obviously of the becah we went to and where we stayed while camping last christmas.
One last thing!
Lest We Forget!
One last thing!
Lest We Forget!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Thought I was going to sleep in this morning but, No! Out of bed at 7am made myself a cup of tea and spent some time reading emails and playing treasure isle on facebook, speaking of which, I have gone abit quiet on there lately. I don't have the motivation or mind set for it and it seems alittle contrived any way. I don't understand why if it is supposed to be your friends, your friends hardly ever speak to you and just leve quick short comments. Craig and I walked into town this morning which was nice. Took Lucy with us and she was happy as Larry. We wallked along the river and then to the pet shop to bye a vaccum for the fish tank and I bought some more banana lillies while I was thereOh! I can't forget a new choker chain for Lucy. We walked back home and then hopped in the car to head over to Bunnings to see about buying a light for the tank and luckily, found one. We stopped off at the supermarket on the way home to buy some things and I lost my patients with people blocking ailes so Craig got the shits with me and I got the shit with him and we didn't talk for awhile, like I cared at the time. I hate shopping!!! We were supposed to go to the beach to get some sea sponge but decided to stay home and do chores and leave it untill tommorrow, so e did the chores and spent a fair bit of time watching DVD's. Surrigate was the first one we watched and it wasn't half as bad as I thought it might be, Make the yuletide gay was the second one and it just scraped in. It could have been alot better but it was ok for abit of mindless veiwing. The princess and the frog was the last one we watched and it was nice!
I seem to have spent alot of time today eating and I should stop otherwise I'll end up piling on all the weight again. The fish look good with the new light and I think I may got to bed shortly as it is 9.15pm right now. Sould I get up at the crack of dawn to go to the dawn service for Anzac day?? probaly but i think I will try and force myself to sleep in again because I have noticed that I am stuttering alot lately and that usually means I am over tired. I have noticed that I am having alot of head spins from smoking too of late so may be time to give it away, I don't really need to do it anyway, only because it is in the house is why I seem to smoke anyway. Yesterday was some what stressful with the valuer coming out to value the house for the loan. It went ok but my stress lebels just go through the roof these days when ever it comes to things like that. She noticed the movement in the house and made comment on it and I quickly made myself look busy so as to change the subject. She did say it looked good on her way out so that has made me feel abit more confident about the whole process. Lets wait and see, I think we will find out on Tuesday. Ok! thats it for now. The pic is of Iron chef Flay, I just happen to think he is abit on the hot side and I have a soft spot for red heads. :-)
I seem to have spent alot of time today eating and I should stop otherwise I'll end up piling on all the weight again. The fish look good with the new light and I think I may got to bed shortly as it is 9.15pm right now. Sould I get up at the crack of dawn to go to the dawn service for Anzac day?? probaly but i think I will try and force myself to sleep in again because I have noticed that I am stuttering alot lately and that usually means I am over tired. I have noticed that I am having alot of head spins from smoking too of late so may be time to give it away, I don't really need to do it anyway, only because it is in the house is why I seem to smoke anyway. Yesterday was some what stressful with the valuer coming out to value the house for the loan. It went ok but my stress lebels just go through the roof these days when ever it comes to things like that. She noticed the movement in the house and made comment on it and I quickly made myself look busy so as to change the subject. She did say it looked good on her way out so that has made me feel abit more confident about the whole process. Lets wait and see, I think we will find out on Tuesday. Ok! thats it for now. The pic is of Iron chef Flay, I just happen to think he is abit on the hot side and I have a soft spot for red heads. :-)
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Another day over! And what a nice day today tuned out to be! Everything just seemed to flow nicely today and I have come home feeling almost relaxed, which is fantastic. We spent most of the day out and about and all of us seemed to be on the same plain for a change and we came up with some interesting things for us to work on. Sitting here now having a beer and Charlie has just got back from being out so I may keep it short or maybe not. I'm happy that today is my Friday and it just happens to be a long weekend YAY! Just been out to check the chooks and still not giving me much in the way of eggs. Not too worry! Silly bloody things . Why is it that they all want to lay their eggs all in one nest?? They have more than enough room for just about all of them to have a nest each. Where was I!? Oh! YAY! Long weekend :) hmmmm! what to do!? What to do!? Would be nice to go away for the weekend. Pitch the tent down at the beach but I'm not thinking that will happen this weekend because of Charlie visiting. I'm totally enjoying this beer! Just might go and get me another! Not sure what the evening has in store since I'm writting this at 4.30 in the afternoon. Maybe I should write this blog just before I go to bed!? I might add to it abit later. I feel like going out for dinner tonight! I might see how Craig feels when he gets home.If I don't get back tonight, enjoy the eye candy I posted for you :)
Yesterday was an ok day! I felt like I was able to be me again. All seemed to run smoothly for a change.Not much to write about really about from our friend Chalie coming to stay for awhile. I didn't see much of him though because I had fallen asleep in frount of the tv waiting for him lol!We'll be able to catch up today. Lucy's nose appears to be healing nicely so, I don't think we need to take her back to the vet. I just realized I didn't check the chooks yesterday. Oh well! There'll be more eggs to collect today then :) Maybe today I'll have more to write about. See you then.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Just in from work and as usual before I get settled for the evening, I checked up on the chooks and what do I see!? Only three eggs!? What is that about? I m not too sure why they be given me no eggs but Hay! What can you do huh? They been very spoilt of late, getting all the veggie scraps from the conference so I would have thought that they would be giving me alot of eggs. Day today was a mix of good day and just plain frustration with bits going on that just not need to be the way they are But I dont seem to have much of a voice these days and have to try and go with the flow as frustrating as it may because in the scheme of things, does it really matter, because when I m gone it will keep going as it has been since before I was around and with all our personal issues with the house I need to focus on what really is important. I bought a book on meditation with a DVD included, yesterday so that me and Craig can do it together. I showed him last night and he is keen on doing it, should be cool and sorta abit funny, both of us Ommming together in the middle of the parlor floor with incense burning all around us But! do you know!? We both really need to do something like that together right now because we are in a nasty place stress wise. Craig heard back from the solicitor today and all they can do is try and get some sort of extension on our 30 days that they gave us. Not the sort of news we were hoping for.Craig ain't looking that great lately and I have to say that I am looking abit worse for wear myself because it is all consuming all the time doesn't matter what we do to try and pretent it ain't that bad, It is!
Enough of that for now, I tried to call some people last night since we haven't spoken in a while but no one was home, funny that because when you finally do decide to come out of hiding there ain't no one around. I've got Lucy (the dog) annoying the crap outta me at the mo. It would seem I ain't giving her enough attention and she keeps nudging my arm from underneath and whining. God!! I hate her whining, it sounds like Lassie and I never did enjoy Lassie movies too much just for that reason hehe! I might go and get me a re fill of bubbly and go get her off my back. Just had a call from Craig and we both have decided on junk food for dinner LOL! Why do you go for comfort food when you're feeling down??I think we might end up having something deep fried but thats cool, we haven't had it in awhile.YAY!!!!! just got good news! Craig just called and shared that we got approval for the loan for the house across the road we want to bye. HOw exciting! I'm so happy, we have an investment property and we can build a house at the back of the property, which is even better. Could be good timing since we may have to vacate this place. I have posted a pick of the house for you :)
Too lazy yesterday
I know I should have posted a blog yesterday but I got lazy and then by the time I remembered again it was 10pm and I just woke up off the lounge.
Anywayz! Yesterday ended up being a not so bad day. Because we are now having to deal with more elag fights with council, I took the pressure off myself abit at work because I don't need the extra hassle quite homestly. Not much happened appart from getting away from the service and being out in the community which is great. We had a meeting late in the day and I sat very quietly biting my lip so as not to stir trouble. It is strange sitting listening to staff talking about all the great new things they want to do and, frankly! I did alot of that last year with my old crew and it is a shame that I am now the only one left. I was even very calm with Craig when he got home and we both made dinner together. The chickens only gave me 5 eggs yesterday, thats down 3. Maybe it is because they are starting to molt, who knows!? The pic is of Miss Red who is no longer with us, seems that she may have got egg bound or something not long ago.
Anywayz! Yesterday ended up being a not so bad day. Because we are now having to deal with more elag fights with council, I took the pressure off myself abit at work because I don't need the extra hassle quite homestly. Not much happened appart from getting away from the service and being out in the community which is great. We had a meeting late in the day and I sat very quietly biting my lip so as not to stir trouble. It is strange sitting listening to staff talking about all the great new things they want to do and, frankly! I did alot of that last year with my old crew and it is a shame that I am now the only one left. I was even very calm with Craig when he got home and we both made dinner together. The chickens only gave me 5 eggs yesterday, thats down 3. Maybe it is because they are starting to molt, who knows!? The pic is of Miss Red who is no longer with us, seems that she may have got egg bound or something not long ago.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
So! It's Sunday afternoon and haven't been feeling too great today. I seem to be thinking too much about the house and everything else that just happens to be going on in my life these days.
The day has been ok, just me dwelling too much. I tried to have a sleep in but as I do, tended to get out of bed at 7am. That was ok because the house was quiet and I could have a cuppa tea and check my emails and farm on farmville without anyone around. I am starting to think that mornings might just be the best part of the day for me. Craig slept in till 9 and suprised me by getting out of bed without a whole lot of pleading and begging on my part , which was nice for a change. We got ready pretty much straight away and headed to the local car boot markets to see about getting some more yabbies for the pond. The markets are never really one of my favorite places in the world to go too because the crowds drive me nuts but we got there before the crowds grabbed a coffee to go from one of the ever growing number of fast food carts popping up and after roaming around for awhile looking at all the same old, same old junk on offer, found the yabbies and bought 4.
Since the market is under the mall we headed for the supermarket for some thing for dinner. Roaste lamb and salad it is! Bought some cheap tee shirts for work while we were there and got out of there as quickly as possible. Stopped off at Videoezy for some DVD's to watch when w got home, Astroboy 2009, Julie and Julia, we bought from the ex rental stand and decided to hire the movie 9. It's 2.45 now and the roaste is in the oven, we have watched 9. Not a bad movie but I feel it could have been abit better, seemed to be copying other movies like Up with the graphics. Still a good movie anyways. Spoke with my sister who lives in New Zealand, last night on skype. That was good catching up and she will be visiting Australia in acouple of weeks . Sham I would be able to see her this visit. Always another time.
I guess that might be it for now apart from me feeling lousy and finding it very hrad to stay on top of things and be happy, everyone always wants you to be happy. Fuck em! I'm feeling like shit because of this and we may need to vacate our house if things get nastier. I'l leave it here and maybe I'll feel abit better later on.
The pic above is the Channon markets we went too last Sunday, just so you know!
Saturday, 17 April 2010
I've been slack, I know!
Ok! So i've been really slack with this blog. I just had so much going on in a negitive way, it sorta made me loose interest in doing it. I will definately make sure I keep at it now because so much does keep happening even if it is not that great. Does it have to be? I guess thats what makes a blog interesting. Work has been not great of late because for some reason my supervisor has focused on me to be negitive with. Bless her!I have felt like wanting to get a transfer for awhile now but am hanging in there waiting to see what happens.
I was talked into going out on Wednesday night as my alter ego CC and I'd have to say that I had a really good night.
As soon as I got there I seemed to be swamped by all these people who had attended a conference all week at my work.. I hardly got in the door before being pounced on by what seemed to be everyone there for photo opportunities with me. I was very flattered but also very embarassed by the whole thing. I hope they got my good side Hahaha!
Always a good thing to do before going out to events like that is HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT! Good lord! I wasn't feeling at all well the next morning and I had to go to work. BLAHHHH!!!
Thank god I left when I did (around 11.30??) and walked home, very brave mood on my part. Lucky I only live around the corner from work but I still managed to run into someone along the way, some one from out of town that seemed to be sleeping in his car for what ever reason it may have been.
Yesterday was a very quiet day because I still wasn't feeling very good. Spent most of it watching movies snuggled up under the donna. Today has been on the quiet side too, mainly due to the rian. Have just finished watching Julie and Julia! Hence it has prompted me into get back into this blog.
Got a letter from councilyesterday telling us the house is condemned (nothing we didn't already know) and we have 30 days to fix the house or be fined up to $150,000
They can get fucked. The council are the ones who caused to trouble with the house and we have spent 8 years trying to get some sort of conpensation from them and we aren't paying to fix their mess. I'll be back tomorrow as this post is getting like a book. I'll post some pics of me on Wednesday. Bye for now :)
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