Sunday, 23 August 2009

I thought today was going to be shit after having hardly any sleep tossing and turning.
I was pissed off because my fella decided to not come home until 2 am without saying anything to me. Needles to say we weren't really talking much today but I don't give a shit! Have some respect for the one you are living with. God knows anything could have happened.
The day has been glorious, sunny, hot, 30*.
I have become hooked on a game called farmville on facebook and i went crazy planting crops for half the day while I was waiting for friends to turn up for drinks and nibbles at noon. Some didn't show up and not happy that they could have rung to say they weren't coming but we had a good time anyway sitting out on the back deck drinking and eating enjoying the warm weather after the winter cold.
I feel that I am almost over going to work and I am having to syic myself up to get interested. I am having a cruisy night playing farmville and writing this out. i might see about a shower and head off to bed early and read my book since I am still not really too interested in talking to my guy. It could be slightly diferent if he chose to say sorry but he can't see what he has done wrong,so he can go fuck himself tonight.
Enjoy the pics

Thursday, 20 August 2009

So! I have done what I need to do Lucy (the dog) has been fed and I have time on my hands. Feeling pretty good now the sudafed has kicked in and having acouple of glasses of bubbly is helping it all along nicely :)

Virgin blogger

My first blog! how exciting!
Im here on my own for two days beacuse Craig (my fella) is away for work.
Had an ok day today. I didn't really want to go to work today because I have sinus something cronic and I am know ones friend when I have it. Why is it that sinus makes you so shitty? I had to explain to every one at work that I was going to be like a bear with a sore head and I was LOL!
The day wasn't too bad I guess. I work for a disability service and we went to a dance today, so we were out for most of the day. I was happy with that because I was in no mood for staying at the service today.
Glad to be home now, I had to see if my neibor had any sinus tablets when I got home otyherwise I would have felt like shit and not started this blog. I swapped some of my eggs for a pill and I think I might be starting to cruise haha!
I have a chook run, hense the name and I'm not happy with the girls lately because I am not getting enough eggs from them. There are ten of them and I am only getting around six eggs aday.
On that note Im off to go and lock em up for the night since they have been roaming the back yard all day.